revolVR requires a Macintosh PowerPC or compatible system with MacOS 8 or higher installed. RAM and hard-disk space requirements will depend on the size of QTVR movies used. A recommended system configuration for adding sprites to an
average VR movie is 4 MB RAM and 5 MB of hard disk space. revolVR requires QuickTime 3.0 or higher to be installed, and requires requires QuickTime 3 or higher for playback.
When revolVR is launched the "Settings Window" is opened. This window has two main group panels, the "Auto Pan On Open:" check box panel and the "Options:" panel, as well as buttons to register the application, quit the application, and to select a movie to add the revolVR sprite to.
Once the application has been registered, the "Register..." button will no longer be visible, and the "Add to Movie..." button will no longer be grayed out. Registration is required to use this application.
Auto Pan On Open: Check Box Panel
When this box is checked, the "Step Size" and "Rotation" controls in this group panel will be enabled and the movie will automatically pan when it is opened.
When this box is not checked, the "Step Size" and "Rotation" controls will be disabled and when the movie is opened it will not start panning automatically.
Step Size Slider Control
This slider control adjusts the number of degrees that the pan angle will change each time the sprite alters the pan
angle. The slider range starts at 0.1 degrees and has a maximum setting of 3.0 degrees.
Large step size settings are better suited for object movies because a larger change in angle may be needed to see
the next frame in an object if it has very few frames. However, if an object movie has more frames (ie. 360
columns) then a small step size might be more appropriate.
Rotation Direction Panel
This panel contains controls for setting the initial direction the movie will rotate in when opened.
Left Radio Button
Selecting this button will set the initial pan direction so that it seems that the viewer is turning
their head to the left.
Right Radio Button
Selecting this button will set the initial pan direction so that it seems that the viewer is turning
their head to the right.
Options: Panel
The controls in this group adjust settings that affect the movie the entire time it is open.
Step Frequency Slider Control
This slider control adjusts how often the panning is updated. The slider range starts at 1/60th second and has a
maximum setting of 1/2 second. The higher the step frequency, the more often the pan angle will be updated.
Interactive Check Box
When this box is checked, the auto pan sprite will adapt to the way the user is interacting with the movie. When
the movie is panned by the user, and the user releases the mouse, the movie will rotate automatically at the speed
and direction of the pan at the time the mouse was released. A single click will stop the automatic panning.
When this box is not checked, the movie will only auto pan when is is initially opened or when the user jumps to
a new node.
Auto Level Check Box
When this box is checked, the "Auto Level" feature will be enabled. When the movie is played, the sprite will
automatically adjust the tilt angle of the movie so that it smoothly progresses to zero degrees vertical when the
user releases the mouse button.
When this box is not checked, the "Auto Level" feature will be disabled and the tilt angle will not be adjusted.
Add to Movie... Button
Clicking this button will bring up a file open dialog allowing the selection of a movie into which the revolVR sprite will be added. Once a movie has been selected, a save dialog will allow the user to save the modified movie to a new file. The current settings in the "Settings Window" will be used for all movie that are saved, so settings should be adjusted before clicking on this button. This button is grayed out in the unregistered version of revolVR.
Quit Button
Clicking this button will quit the application.
Register... Button
Clicking this button will open a window with a URL with information on how to purchase and register the application. This
button will no longer be visible when the application is properly registered.
revolVR is a new application that utilizes components recently introduced in QuickTime 3.0. As a result of the variety of different types of VR creation programs and system configurations, it is expected that some conflicts and bugs may be found.
If problems occur, please e-mail a detailed description of the problem, how it is triggered, and if possible, an example source
movie, as well as what program the movie was authored with, to <>